Channel: Economic and Intellectual Property
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專 訪 Xbox 破 解 者 : 挑 戰 微 軟 與 版 權 尺 度 極 限

雖 然 為 了 趕 博 士 論 文 而 忙 得 天 昏 地 暗 , 麻 省 理 工 學 院 研 究 生 " 小 兔 " 黃 欣 國 (Andrew Huang) 決 定 忙 裡 偷 閒 , 抽 空 研 究 一 下 微 軟 Xbox 遊 戲 機 的 安 全 系 統 。不 過 稍 微 動 了 一 點 腦 筋 , 再 加 上 精 準 的 焊 接 技 術 , 黃 欣 國 很 快 就 隔 離 了 主 要 的...

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What is a patent

A patent is a right granted for any device, substance, method or process which is new, inventive and useful.A patent is legally enforceable and gives the owner the exclusive right to commercially...

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Moral Rights

The moral rights of Australian creators are now protected under the Copyright Act , following passage of the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 by Parliament on 7 December 2000. The...

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Why is Intellectual Property Relevant to Your SME?

Along with human creativity and inventiveness, intellectual property is all around us. Every product or service that we use in our daily lives is the result of a long chain of big or small innovations,...

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Changing Copyright

In an attempt to suggest a culturally sane solution to the continuing legal confrontations between owners of copyrighted cultural material and others who collage such material into new creations, we...

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How do you Turn Inventions Into Profit-making Assets of Your SME?

Innovative and creative ideas are at the heart of most successful businesses. Ideas by themselves, however, have little value. They need to be developed, turned into innovative products or services and...

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How can Intellectual Property Enhance the Market Value of Your SME?

The value of intellectual property (IP) is often not adequately appreciated and its potential for providing opportunities for future profit is widely underestimated by SMEs. However, when IP is legally...

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Why is Intellectual Property Crucial for Marketing the Products or Services...

For most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), marketing products or services is a major challenge. A marketing strategy should establish a clear link between your products or services and your...

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Difference between Trademark Registration and Company Registration

Separate laws and systems regulate the registration of company names, business names and trademarks in Hong Kong. A company name registration at the Companies Registry or a business name registration...

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What is a trademark?

A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of others. Typically a trademark can be words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters,...

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Who should own what?

An interview with Lawrence Lessig on Patents and the InternetLAWRENCE LESSIG knows how to stir things up. A professor at the Stanford Law School, he is also the founder of the Stanford Center for...

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專 訪 張 平“ 我 為 什 麼 對 DVD 專 利 提 出 無 效 申 請 ”

眾 所 周 知 , 以 DVD 為 代 表 的 高 昂 專 利 許 可 費 , 制 約 了 我 國 相 關 高 技 術 產 業 的 發 展 , 已 成 為 國 人 的 心 頭 之 痛 。 我 國 雖 然 是 DVD 鐳 射 視 盤 機 生 產 大 國 , 但 每 出 口 一 臺 價 格 40 美 元 的 DVD 視 盤 機 , 就 要 向 外 國 公 司 交 納 13 至 20 美 元 的 專 利...

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How can Intellectual Property Enhance the Export Opportunities of Your SME?

Before embarking on an export operation, enterprises go through a series of crucial steps which range from identifying an appropriate export market and estimating demand, to finding channels of...

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How can Your SME Acquire and Maintain Intellectual Property Protection?

Before your SME can take advantage of intellectual property (IP) assets it has to acquire IP rights. A number of IP rights need to be granted or registered. At the national level, IP offices of the...

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Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of Your SME Abroad

Why Should Your SME Protect its IP Abroad? Sooner or later, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operate in more than one market selling their products or services or licensing/franchising...

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Why are Trademarks Relevant to the Success of Your SME?

Your trademarks are in many ways the face of your business. They allow your customers to distinguish your products or services from those of your competitors, giving your SME the possibility to better...

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Protecting the Trade Secrets of Your SME

What is a Trade Secret? Broadly speaking, any confidential business information which provides an enterprise a competitive edge may be considered a trade secret. Trade secrets encompass manufacturing...

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Interview: Hal Abelson, "Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and Universities"

Hal Abelson, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MIT (Portrait by Phillip Greenspun) Technology has a way of exposing our social and political institutions. It often provides us new...

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黑 客 執 意 破 解 X360 是 微 軟 挑 釁 的 結 果 ?

微 軟 的 Xbox 360 自 從 去 年 11 月 上 市 以 來 , 立 刻 成 為 了 眾 多 黑 客 組 織 爭 相 挑 戰 的「 珠 穆 朗 瑪 峰 」 。 然 而 , 根 據 美 國 《 華 爾 街 日 報 》 近 日 的 一 篇 報 導 , 造 成 這 種 現 象 的 原 因 不 僅 僅 是 因 為 微 軟 的 Xbox 360 是 目 前 最 新 的 也 是 防 盜 性 能 最 好...

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How can collective marks, certification marks and geographical indications be...

For a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), obtaining consumer recognition and customer loyalty is an arduous task. Regardless of the quality of the goods, gaining access to retail stores, local...

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